Ankara Labor Attorney

Ankara Labor Attorney (Law Office)

We will be giving you information on what Ankara Labor Attorney does and how it protects you. 

Labor and employment regulations are always changing. For example there are always new rules on subjects such as planning by predictions and paid-sickness leave. So as an employer, it is inevitable to ask yourself “Do I need a labor attorney?” at some point. It would be very expensive to hire a lawyer for every little uncertainty. Although it is very important to work with a labor or employment attorney to handle some particular situations. In order to decide whether you need a labor attorney or not, you need to consider your yearly service expenses. An Ankara Labor Lawyer works to solve conflicts between both employee and employer or negotiate them. As stated very firmly in the Turkish Labor Code, an attorney can work with education or sanction areas as well as working with industries that have labor unions.

Employment Attorney – Ankara Labor Attorney

Ankara Labor Lawyer, also called Employment Attorney or Employee Lawyer, takes an important role in helping both employers and employees because of issues that appear in different workplaces. In order to ensure fair treatment for workers, there are legal rights in enforcement. Since there are countless employment regulations, labor law attorneys typically specialize in certain areas. Workers are considered very lucky today because of the firm regulations in enforcement that protects them. Labor rights have been developing since the 19th century after the Industrial Revolution. Today, there are many workers from countries that consider these rights natural.


Overlooking job contracts, providing legal advice while recommending employment rights, making mediations between employees and employers, representing clients in court against law cases. For your needs about Ankara Labor Attorney, make sure to check your lawyers registry before making an agreement. For Attorney Volkan Gozuyukari you can always check his registry on

Ankara Labor Attorney

Ankara Labor Attorney


The reason there are many terms being used in labor law is to emphasize attorneys’ specialization areas and special abilities or experience. Labor law is a complex field and contains more than one type of case.

Every single term represents a different focus point and shows the attorney’s specialization area. Labor law is a complex subject that arranges  employees and employers rights. This is why it needs expertise. These expertise areas assure cases on labor law are solved more effectively and protects both parties rights. 

Ankara labor attorney gives legal advice to solve conflicts based on business relations between employees and employers. These conflicts contain unjustice termination of business contracts by the employer, not paying the worker, the employer being subjected to mobbing etc.

Although labor attorneys generally specialize according to their own expertise areas. For instance, labor court lawyers usually expertise in following cases about labor law. Compensation attorneys on the other hand defends his/her clients rights on cases about compensating employees for financial or moral damages. 

Assigning different missions allows attorneys to explain their expertise area or service subject better. Thus, clients can pick the best suitable attorney about their cases.

For instance, if an employee thinks that his/her contract has been terminated unlawfully; it is in his/her best interest to get advice from a labor attorney. Employees should also get legal advice about compensation cases based on mobbing in the workplace.

Labor law attorneys can also give legal advice other than their expertise area. But in this case, you should make sure carefully that your attorney has enough experience and information

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